I definitely want to try this pasta dish, Lolly. I have frozen spinach, but fresh does sound like it would work better. Meanwhile, thanks for sharing Maya Angelou's fine poem. I went to a women's march yesterday very near where I live and was surprised that there were so many people with clever signs who wanted to stand up for what they believe in--and there were men too! We all do need a little hope. Thanks for helping provide it, and for the recipe. Eating delicious food and enjoying the bounty of spring are also signs of hope.

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I wish I could have gone to the march with you, Ruth! I’m so happy to hear that there were so many people. I’m looking for marches here in Italy to participate in. So far in Milan there has been significant protest agist Tesla and Musk. YOU are a phenomenal woman. I do think it will satisfy your spring cravings and bring more joy with the fresh spinach. The lemon-oil dressed leaves on top provide such nice contrast in texture and freshness! Keep me posted! 💚

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This sounds delicious! We’re going to try it later this week!

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Yippeee! I hope you love it! Don’t skip the lemon juice and crunchies! Can’t wait to hear how it goes 🥰

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I'll take hope in any form, but perhaps especially in a bowl of pasta. Thank you for this friend - for the recipe and the Maya Angelou poem and the peek into your sun-soaked Italian life.

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I’ll try this as soon as I get back to my kitchen.😊

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Spring is almost here! Love the sound of this recipe. I'm in Milan next week & his restaurant is on my list...

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Oh Cheryl now I’m green with envy!! You must give a full report if you go! 💚💚💚

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1st time in Milan with more serendipity than bookings so I may not get there 🙂

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Lovely post Lolly! I am also team crunchy breadcrumbs! And I loved the poem for IWD 🥰

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You are a phenomenal woman, Shell! ✨💪💕

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And you, too! 💞

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I’m definitely on Team Crunchy Breadcrumbs!!! Yum!

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Yes, Betty! IMHO Team Crunchy Breadcrumbs would make great team tshirts! 😋

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Ordering now….

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Yeahhhhhh 🥰🥳

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Yummy yum. I'm going to try this. Today it's caccio Pepe for us!

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Yum for caccio e pepe Jo! ✨Lmk when you try this! 💚

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Fabulous recipe not recipe Lolly, it reminds me of the Punjabi dish Palak paneer. I made a gochujang pasta sauce this week with a crunchy seasoned crumb finish. I’ll post it this week. Lovely post Lolly, and beautiful salut to women.

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Okay. Here's the thing. Cacio E Pepe was made last night. I had a friend over so my amore decided he would make it. How wonderful, I thought. He said it was nice and creamy and just waiting for the pasta to be done. Then he got a hairbrained idea--to add some grated provolone. What happened when he tossed through hot pasta? The provolone melted and sucked up a lot of the sauce and then was a bit bitsy and it was dry. Anyway, "we" know better now not to mess with the classics.

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